What is “Colorful Libra”?

I am passionate about astrology. From signs to charts to solar returns, everything about this intricate study fascinates me! There must be a reason why nearly every ancient civilization temple we have discovered has been built in precise alignment with the constellations. 

My sun is in Libra, and while the sun is only a fraction of the astrological self, it is an important part of who we are. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, harmony, esthetics, beauty, balance, empathy, compassion, peace, fairness and openness. The arts are at home in Libra.

With my Leo rising, Virgo moon and Libra sun, my art is meant to bring out the vibrancy, courage and exuberance of Leo, the focus, independence and dedication to service of Virgo, and the balance, positive outlook and idealism of libra. For me, these parts of my chart speak to my art and to how I’d like it to make people feel. 

It is my hope that my art will inspire and empower people to discover and express their own emotions with courage, to experience and spread healing compassion to themselves and others and to find beauty and love in all the colors of life.

I hope that it reminds us all to embrace the artist within and to (re)discover our higher self.